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Understanding E-liquid

The vaping industry has really grown in recent years and a big part of that is smokers choosing to quit smoking cigarettes and vape e-cigarettes instead as an alternative healthier option. If you are new to it there are many options when it comes to e-liquid NZ flavours and many choices if you are looking at controlling the nicotine or changing to non-nicotine options. Here is a look at what vape juice/e-liquid is and how it works.

Understanding e-liquid

The fluid you vape with, the eliquid, contains nicotine if you want it to, and then a flavouring. When using it with an e-cigarette it delivers that nicotine to your body much the same as a regular cigarette, but there is no tar to contend with or ash, no horrid smell or toxins and no horrible taste. It is called various names including vape fluid, vape juice, mod juice, e-juice, e-liquid and all refer to that same thing.

How does the vaping pen work?

The fluid is what goes into the e-cigarette or vaping pen that you then pull on and breathe in. There are 3 parts to the pen, the tank that sits on top, the battery and then the coil that is inside the tank. When you add your choice of e-liquid NZ, you put it in the tank. That liquid soaks the coil in there so when starting it up with the battery this warms the fluid turning it into a vapour. Just like a kettle when it boils water turns some of that into vapour. Then you breathe that vapour using your mouth into your lungs. That is why it is often called vaping.

Is vaping harmful?

Compared to smoking no. If it is a choice between trying to quit smoking so vaping instead or staying a smoker then vaping is the better option by far. Because this is somewhat new there is not as much known about long-term effects on the body. Researchers just have not had enough time passing to then study and come to any certain conclusions. But we do know as said that if the choice is to be a smoker or a vaper, then go for vaping.

Choosing the best nicotine strength

If you smoke more than 15 cigarettes a day that is classified as being a heavy smoker. This means you will want to start your vaping on an eliquid that has more nicotine at first so that you do not feel withdrawal symptoms and go back to cigarettes. If you smoke under that then you want a more mid-range nicotine content in your fluid. If you just smoke occasionally you need just a small amount of nicotine, or you could even try going straight to non-nicotine-containing options. You can choose to stay at the level you start on, but if you aim to quit nicotine then you would gradually lower your liquid until you are on free options.


Now you understand a bit more about e-liquid and why people choose to vape and what your options are you can go and talk to an expert at a shop about what you are looking for.